
Demo React.js Project for uploading CSV files into a database in Docker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CSV Bulk Upload

Estimated time: 3.5 hours


  • Have a React frontend application that will be served at / using MUI
  • Frontend will have a csv uploader and products list table, csv template download
  • Backend API will have two endpoints /api/v1/purchase-orders/bulk-insert and /api/v1/purchase-orders/list
  • Database will be MySQL with a startup script that generates the purchase_orders table
  • Docker compose will be utilized to launch the application at http://localhost:3000
  • Unit tests for React components, unit tests for backend functions


  • Run unit tests yarn test
  • Run docker-compose up --build and navigate to http://localhost:3000
  • Download the template from the navigation and fill OR download a correct/incorrect example from Navigation
  • Upload the CSV and see the results in the table if they are valid, or see the error messages
  • Refresh the page to see that the data persists


screenshots/Screenshot_2023-10-08_15-38-35.png screenshots/Screenshot_2023-10-08_15-39-10.png