
🏆Winner Moralis x Google. NFTs Collection that Works On Multiple Chains With Zero Knowledge

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Buidl - Create NFTs Collection that Works On Multiple Chains With Zero Knowledge

A Moralis X Google Cloud Hackathon Project

Choosing a blockchain over others is a difficult decision NFT creators have been making over the years and this might also be risky at later run due to network clog or high transaction fees of the preferred blockchain.

This is where buidl comes in to address this problem, with a handy decentralized application that abstract the logics of cross bringing from NFT creators and artists yet allowing them and their holders to move their nft tokens from any chain to any chain.

Core Features

  • NFT tool for creators

    Giving NFT creators and artist the opportunity to create and deployed a multi chain NFT contract without technical know how.

  • Support for Multiple Chains

    Ethereum, Polygon, Fantom, BNB Chain, Arbitum, Avalanche, and more.

  • Initial NFT Offering

    Creators can sell their NFT to selected set of users, with whitelist and blacklist system and also giving users the ability to choose a preferred chain to mint the nft on any of their support chains.

Revenue Model

Basic $0

  • up to 10 nft collections.

  • max of 1000 tokens per collection.

  • supports only ethereum, binance, and polygon chains.

  • community support.

    Professional $15/yr

  • up to 35 nft collections.

  • max of 6000 tokens per collection.

  • supports all chains from basic plus avalanche, fantom, arbitum.

  • realtime support.

    Enterprise $65/yr

  • unlimited nft collections.

  • unlimited tokens per collection.

  • supports all major evm compatible chains.

  • realtime support.

Tech Stacks

  • Moralis Stream and Web3 APIs
  • IPFS (File System)
  • Solidity (Smart Contract)
  • Nuxtjs (Frontend)
  • Covalent API
  • Nodejs (Backend)
  • Truffle
  • MultiChain Anycall V7 (Cross Chain Messaging)
  • Google Cloud Firebase


Sneak peaks

Screenshot 2022-12-18 163847 Screenshot 2022-12-18 170954 Screenshot 2022-12-18 171231 Screenshot 2022-12-18 195150 Screenshot 2022-12-18 205017

Other Services

  • Netlify
  • Render


Want to contribute? Great!

Reach out to me at https://linktr.ee/devarogundade


  • Arogundade Ibrahim