
A curated list of awesome iOS & Android frameworks, libraries and resources. Only iOS entries that have Android counterparts (and vice-versa) are listed here so as to help development of native apps on both platforms.

Awesome iOS & Android

A curated list of awesome iOS & Android frameworks, libraries and resources. Only iOS entries that have Android counterparts (and vice-versa) are listed here so as to help development of native apps on both platforms.

This list only includes native frameworks meant to be used in native iOS & Android development. Multi-platform frameworks such as (Titanium, Xamarin, etc) are of no interest here. Nowadays most apps are developed in both iOS & Android and this means that developers have to adapt to the libraries/frameworks that exist in each platform. The goal of this list is to gather all these libraries/frameworks that have iOS & Android coutnerparts so as to help the developer make the right decisions.

If you want to contribute, please read the guide.


Libraries And Frameworks


  • Realm - The alternative to CoreData and SQLite: Simple, modern and fast.


  • NSLogger - a high perfomance logging utility which displays traces emitted by client applications running on Mac OS X, iOS and Android.


  • MapBox - Mapbox iOS SDK, an open source alternative to MapKit.


  • Twitter Text - An Oimplementation of Twitter's text processing library.


  • Freestyle - Freestyle is a simple, powerful way to define a native app's look and feel, using CSS. It's 100% native, open source, and works with iOS and Android.

Beta Distribution

  • Crashlytics - A crash reporting and beta testing service.
  • TestFlight - A free mobile platform for developers, managers and testers.
  • HockeyApp - With HockeyApp, you can distribute beta versions of your app, collect live crash reports, get feedback from users, and analyze test coverage.


  • RubyMotion - RubyMotion is a revolutionary toolchain that lets you quickly develop and test native iOS and OS X applications for iPhone, iPad and Mac, all using the Ruby language.


Other Awesome Lists

Other amazingly awesome lists can be found in the awesome-awesomeness list.