NextAuth with MongoDB(mongoose) + Server Actions

I. Main functions.

  • SignIn with OAuth ( Google )
  • SignIn with Credentials ( Email, Password )
  • SignUp with Name, Email, Password
  • Verify Email
  • Update Profile
  • Change Password
  • Forgot Password
  • Middleware to secure certain pages

II. Implementation Guide.

  1. Setup Nextjs - npx create-next-app@latest ./ √ Would you like to use TypeScript with this project? ... No √ Would you like to use ESLint with this project? ... No √ Would you like to use Tailwind CSS with this project? ... No √ Would you like to use src/ directory with this project? ... No √ Use App Router (recommended)? ... Yes √ Would you like to customize the default import alias? ... No
- next: "13.4.7" or Later
- next.config:
    serverActions: true
  1. Setup Libraries - npm i mongoose next-auth bcrypt jsonwebtoken nodemailer

  2. Config Next-Auth - context => Provider - api/auth/[...nextauth]/route.js - .env

  3. Header Component and Pages - Protected (client, server) - Profile (client, server) - Signin, SignUp - Admin Dashboard

  4. SignIn with Oauth ( Google ) without Database - Import GoogleProvider - Access to Google Cloud Console to get ( GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET )

- SignIn Component
- Google Login Button
  1. SignOut and Middleware keep the site protected - SignOut component - Middleware
    • export {default} from 'next-auth/middleware'
    • export const config = { matcher: ["/profile/:path*", "/protected/:path*", "/dashboard/:path*"] }
- Protected Page Render
  1. Setup MongoDB (mongoose) - Models ( user ) - Connect to MongoDb

  2. SignIn with Oauth ( Google ) with Database (mongoose) - callbacks: { async signIn({ user, account, profile, email, credentials }) { return true; }, async jwt({token, trigger, session}){ return token; }, async session({session, token}){ return session; } }

- async signIn => signInWithOAuth 
- async jwt => getUserByEmail 
- async session => session.user = token.user
  1. Profile Page Render - Profile Component - ProfileCard Component - nextConfig = { images: { domains: ["", ""] } }
- restart => npm run dev
  1. Update User Profile - ProfileUpdate Component - Form Component - updateUser Action - Button Component

  2. Update and Re-Render User Profile - update({name, image}) on Client-Side - Fix Re-Render on Server Side

    • The page server side only renders for the first time,
    • The next times will not re-render, so we will combine with the client side.
    • The first time will render the server side, the next time will render the client side.
  3. Sign Up with Credentials (name, email, password) - SignUp Component - signUpWithCredentials Action

  4. Handle Errors - Errors page

  5. Token + Send Email - .env

    • TOKEN_SECRET=YOUR_SECRET ( openssl rand -base64 32 )
  6. Verify Email to complete the registration - Verify Page - verifyEmailWithCredentials Action

  7. SignIn with Credentials (email, password) - import CredentialsProvider - async authorize => signInWithCredentials Action

  8. Change Password - ChangePassword Component - userActions => changePassword

  9. Forgot Passoword - authActions => forgotPasswordWithCredentials

  10. Reset Password - reset_password page - ResetPassword Component - authActions => resetPasswordWithCredentials

  11. Middleware protect routes based on role Admin

  12. Deploy Vercel - run build => test - push to github - deploy vercel - config NEXTAUTH_URL in Environment Variables => re-deploy - config in Google Cloud Console