CRUD API with Go, PostgreSQL, Docker

This is a CRUD API written in Golang and attached to a PostgreSQL database in a dockerized environment.

It takes in a user's name & email address, generates an ID and stores it in a database.

Throughout the process, the data is encoded and decoded from GO struct to JSON as required.

Upon cloning this repository, you can run the project by typing the following command:

docker compose up

It should generate the following output:

Screenshot from 2023-11-19 14-08-48

The port being used is port 8000. If you are running this project locally, it is accessible at the following URL:


You can use any API client of your choice to test the APIs. My chosen API client was Thunder Client, a vscode extension. Listed to the left in the picture below are the five types of requests the API handles.

Screenshot from 2023-11-19 14-15-30