
Telegram bot for searching train tickets

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Telagram bot for searching tickets at rzd.ru


rzdbot requires python 3.5 or higher due to async/await syntax and aiorzd library


I asssume you are already register telegram bot. Use the manual for help https://core.telegram.org/bots

Make sure you have installed aiorzd. Then type

sudo python ./setup.py install

Use config.json as a sample to add bot's name and API token for accessing Telegram.

  "BOT_NAME": "MyRZDBot"

Run bot

$ python3 -m rzdbot


$ python3 rzdbot.py

You can pass path to config.json via environment variable:

$ BOT_CONFIG=/etc/rzdbot.json python3 -m rzdbot


You can search tickets with search command

/search Москва, Санкт-Петербург, 20.02 < 2000

will search for trains on february 20 with max price 2000 rubles. If you need ticket for a group of people, you can set minimal tickets limit

/search Москва, Санкт-Петербург, 20.02 < 2000 #3

Also some shortcuts supported:

/search мск спб 20 < 2000

will search for tickets on closest 20th day cheaper than 2000 rubles