Querying Local Documents Using LLMs

This is a simple Python app for using LLMs to query the content of one or more local documents. This app is a modification of the code found in this article to use the current llama-index package.


Use the package manager pip to install the required Python packages.:

pip install -r reqs.txt


  1. Place the documents you wish to query in the docs directory.
  2. Run the app: python app.py
  3. Follow the instructions to open a browser window and submit queries about the documents.

Note there will be a delay the first time you use the app as your documents are processed and stored as embeddings in a vector database. Thereafter, the app should start very quickly since the saved database will be used.

If you add or remove items in the documents directory, remove the contents of the indexes directory and the vector database will be regenerated.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
