
Based on Pluralsight course : Code Analysis in Visual Studio 2019


Based on Pluralsight course : Code Analysis in Visual Studio 2019


  • ruleset will soon be replaced with .editorconfig


code analysis

  • remove unneccessary usings
  • fix method names
  • fix formattings
  • highlight a section of the code and make method

automate with code cleanup tools

  • configure profile to add fixers
  • per page

analyze and run code cleanup

  • applies to whole solution

custom rules (not rule sets)

  • determine the scope of the analyzer
  • options > text editor > C# > code style
  • setting preferences to appear with warning or errors
  • create .editorconfig file to store in the solutio/ project level.
  • anyone working on this solution can get this configuration

analyzer workflow

  • configure
  • install
  • using roslynator extension as analyzer, not nuget.
  • using roslynator as nuget.
  • and fxcop analyzer?
  • with nuget the warnings shows up in the build.

rule suppressions

  • for certain lines of code
  • ex. setting to readonly
  • creates assembly file
  • modify the file to target type over member etc.
  • for all active issues

writing custom rule sets

  • apply to a specific set of code only
  • create .ruleset file
  • add reference in csproj
  • update ruleset by selecting the analyzer rule sets under the project
  • set to error which will prevent build unless fixed

running from cmd

  • dotnet-format
  • add to build process

Build and Deployment Workflow

  • Build the application (write code and setup the Roslyn Analyzers)
  • Push Code to Build Server (Build solution and run quality checks to produce deployable package)
  • Deploy to stage environments (manual stakeholder testing and sign off on new features)
  • Deploy to production (release to end users or customers)

build pipeline

  • doesn't allow build on azure even when checked in without build

types of code metrics

  • cyclomatic complexity
  • inheritance depth
  • class coupling
  • lines of code
  • maintainability index

creating custom analyzer