DevCareer Assessment Platform - Backend


Devcareer has over 15,000 active members and employs young, motivated programmers via a variety of cohort programs with rigorous application, assessment, and interview procedures. To do this going forward, we need a solid platform to automate these procedures, and we want to develop a solution that makes their execution easier for our recruiters.

The technologies used in creating this project are:

JavaScript, Node.js, ExpressJs, Mongoose ORM, Mongo

How to get started

  • Make sure to have Git and Node.js installed on your computer
  • You can use this link to clone the project:
  • cd into the project folder and run npm install
  • create a .env file and the contents in the sample file to it.
  • Run npm run start-dev to start the server

The sample .env file format

mongo_URI =


  • Olaitan

