
The Royal Game of Ur, also known as the Game of Twenty Squares or simply the Game of Ur, is a two-player strategy race board game that was first played in ancient Mesopotamia during the early third millennium BCE.


The Royal Game of Ur, also known as the Game of Twenty Squares or simply the Game of Ur, is a two-player strategy race board game that was first played in ancient Mesopotamia during the early third millennium BCE.

Two-player game. Game has a specific board design, you can see it below. Players roll to dice and with numbers they get, they move their pieces. Once player reach to the final point, they gain score.


  • There is a certain route that must be followed.
  • Once you finish the route, you gain one point.
  • If the random number takes you to the position of opponent's piece, you simply take it of the board.

Board Design