- ffmpeg
- python3
Waveform is a simple program I've written to generate me some wallpapers. All it does is ask for a(n audio) file to input, generate a waveform image using ffmpeg and put a specified title/artist and description onto the wallpaper. As the user clicks on "generate!", the image will be displayed and saved in wallpapers/ under the name {title}_wall.png. Saving this takes around 1 second, as otherwise the screenshot will be taken while it still did not render the actual wallpaper.
While looking at the generated wallpaper, you can press "ESC" to return to the file selector. Pressing "ESC" in the file selector will close the program.
I've not tested the Windows build as I am running a Linux system. Should there be issues, please report them at the issues tab!
(And please, don't ask why I used a game engine (Godot) for this. It sounded way simpler to do for me, and it might have actually been. I'm still kind of a newbie, ok)