Preparing CKAD & CKA certification exams
Core Concepts – 13%
- Understand Kubernetes API primitives
- Create and Configure Basic Pods
Configuration – 18%
- Understand ConfigMaps
- Understand SecurityContexts
- Define an application’s resource requirements
- Create & consume Secrets
- Understand ServiceAccounts
Multi-Container Pods – 10%
- Understand Multi-Container Pod design patterns (e .g. ambassador, adapter, sidecar)
Observability – 18%
- Understand LivenessProbes and ReadinessProbes
- Understand container logging
- Understand how to monitor applications in Kubernetes
- Understand debugging in Kubernetes
Pod Design – 20%
- Understand how to use Labels, Selectors, and Annotations
- Understand Deployments and how to perform rolling updates
- Understand Deployments and how to perform rollbacks
- Understand Jobs and CronJobs
Services & Networking – 13%
- Understand Services
- Demonstrate basic understanding of NetworkPolicies
State Persistence – 8%
- Understand PersistentVolumeClaims for storage