Simple class for building FB chat bots.
// Require module
var FBChatBot = require('fbchatbot').FBChatBot;
// Instantiate a bot
var bot = new FBChatBot({
verifyToken: 'verify_token', // verify token as specified in FB Developer Console, can also specify FBCHATBOT_VERIFY_TOKEN env var
accessToken: 'access_token', // FB page access token, can also specify FBCHATBOT_ACCESS_TOKEN env var
logLevel: 'debug', // levels as specified at https://github.com/winstonjs/winston#logging-levels
port: 3000 // port to run the web server on, can also specify PORT env var
// Respond to incoming events
// Valid events are: pre_checkout, message, delivery, read, postback, optin, referral, payment, checkout_update, account_linking
bot.on('message', function(message) {
// ... do something with the message
// Send an outgoing message
recipient: {
id: 'USER_ID',
message: {
text: 'why hello there!',
// Start the web server