Rise Backend Internship Test

We just need to confirm you have what it takes. Good luck


  • Fork this repository, so it can stay on Github
  • Commit your changes after every task
  • When you finish, send us link to your repository and wait for an answer



Bring up a terminal, then go to your project root directory and install local dependencies:


To start local dev server, type in the following command in your terminal:

yarn start

The application should now be accessible on http://localhost:3000 You can choose the other dependencies you'll need(e.g. DB library)

Task 1

Implement registeration endpoint for users with the following details with appropriate validation/

  • email address
  • first & last name
  • phone number
  • password

Task 2

Implement sign in endpoint for users returning a JWT token for further access. Minimum expiry time should be 10mins.

Task 3

Write tests for these API endpoints.

Send us your repo!

After finishing all tasks, reply the mail that sent you this repo with a link your repo.