
PHP Flash : Simplify message flash management in your PHP applications.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

PHP Flash

PHP Flash is a lightweight library for managing message flash functionality in PHP applications. It allows you to easily display temporary messages, such as success messages, warnings, and error notifications, to enhance the user experience.

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  • Simple and intuitive message flash management.
  • Display success messages, warnings, and error notifications.
  • Automatic clearing of messages after retrieval.


To install PHP Flash, use Composer:

composer require devcoder-xyz/php-flash


Basic Usage

use DevCoder\Flash\Flash;

// Assuming you already have session_start() called in your script
$flash = new Flash($_SESSION);

// Set flash messages
$flash->set('success', 'Operation completed successfully.');
$flash->set('error', 'An error occurred.');

// Get and display flash messages
if ($message = $flash->get('success')) {
    echo '<div class="success">' . $message . '</div>';

if ($message = $flash->get('error')) {
    echo '<div class="error">' . $message . '</div>';

Custom Flash Key

By default, PHP Flash uses the key "__flash" in the session storage. You can use a custom key if needed:

// Assuming you already have session_start() called in your script
$customFlashKey = 'my_custom_flash_key';
$flash = new Flash($_SESSION, $customFlashKey);


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


PHP Flash is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.