🚀 Get started with a Jupyter datascience template
After creating a GitHub Codespace (or a devcontainer in VS Code), open the
Command Palette to find the Dev Containers: Add Dev Container Configuration
Files... command. After you run it, VS Code will guide you through the
creation of a .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
Make sure you click the Show All Definitions... option to see our unofficial templates!
You can choose from many base images to tailor the container to your project's needs.
If you don't know what this means, that's OK! Just choose the datascience-notebook
It has many packages for data science from the Julia, Python, and R communities. 🚀
📚 You can learn more about what each of these base images is and what features each of them in the Jupyter Docker Stacks reference page.
The default command of the base image is set to start the Jupyter server.
If you do not use the Jupyter server, comment out "overrideCommand": false
of the devcontainer.json.
This template was originally created by @nathancarter and other contributors in the microsoft/vscode-dev-containers repository. It has since landed here. ðŸŒ