
Instagram Clone developed with React Native

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Instagram Clone

Instagram Clone

React Native Jest Testing-Library ESLint Material UI GitHub


  • Login with your username and password.
  • Explore your feed. Posts can be images or a video.
  • Tap on search to see suggested posts shown in a grid.

Tech Stack and Features

  • Media loads without blocking the main/UI thread.
  • Adaptable to different screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Login information is saved to Android's EncryptedSharedPreferences and iOS' Keychain through react-native-encrypted-storage.
  • Based on custom components.
  • Uses React Hooks.
  • Post content is received from mock API created with MirageJS.
  • Checks network connection through NetInfo.
  • Videos play while scrolling.
  • ESLint standardized code.
  • Tested using Jest and react-native-testing-library.
  • Ready to build for Android.