
Loan management system using flask , build in docker using docker compose with python 3.6 as base image.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Loan Management system


$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose run app

Running the tests

There are three types of tests :

  1. Setup test :- These tests correspond to all the setup of dummy data (login and registrations are checked here)
  2. Security tests : These test are responsible for conducting cross account actions that is to see role based acces of api point
  • eg :- Customer shouldn't access admin roles etc.
  1. Api tests : These correspond to whether all the api are working fine and aren't returing unexpected things

NOTE :Setup tests can only be run once , as the dummy data can't be inserted again due to primary key restrictions

$ docker-compose exec app python project/tests/tests_setup.py -----> Run at the first (only one time)
$ docker-compose exec app python project/tests/tests_security.py
$ docker-compose exec app python project/tests/tests_api.py
To test again from start and empty the database :-

$ docker-compose exec app python manage.py recreate_db

Tech related Details

  • Tech Stack :

    • Flask
    • Docker
    • unittest
    • pyJWT
    • postgres
    • SQLAlchemy
  • Authentication for the API endpoint is done using JWT.

  • Evey api request will be authoured with the provided JWT.

  • The passwords are hashed using pbkdf2:sha256 and with a salt of lenght 8.

  • Timezone issue is handled by putting UTC timestamp in the databset


  • There are three roles in the system :- admin ,Customer ,agent

  • Customer can register into the system

  • All three user have to login before performing any action with username and password which will return token of validity 1 hour.

  • If the validity of the token finished the users needs to login again to get a valid token

  • Agent can also register ,which send a request to the admin .

  • Admin can approve agents into the system post which they can also login into the system

  • Customer has the authority to:

    • Apply for a new loan , Rater of interest changes with the type of loan he has selected
    • View his or her loan (Cannot view other customers loans)
    • View his or her loan history
  • Agent is supposed to forwrd the loan request on the behalf of customer to the admin ,if and only if the agent is approved by the admin

  • Agent has the authority to:

    • View all Customers list
    • Only agent can edit the loan only and only if the loan is not in approved state
    • View edit hisotry of any particular loan object
    • Make request to admin on the behalf of the customer
    • View all loans
    • Filter all loans by approved status, new status,rejected status
    • Filter loans start date to end date (Either create date or update date)
    • View his particular requests which he has made to the admin
  • Admin is supposed to manage the system by modifying loan state and accepting or rejecting agents application

  • Admin has the authority to:

    • View all Users
    • Approve and reject loans
    • Approve agents into the system
    • View all approved agents and pending agents seperatly
    • View all agents applications for permission into the system
    • View all loan requests made by particular agent on the behalf of customer
    • View edit hisotry of any particular loan object
    • View all loans
    • Filter all loans by approved status, new status,rejected status
    • Filter loans start date to end date (Either create date or update date)
    • View all Customers in the system



POST Methods :


data = {
"username" : "yourusername",
"password" : "yourpassword",
"email" : "email",

Basic Auth header
username and password required

data = {
"loan_amount" : 10000,
"loan_type" : "Home_loan",
"duration" : 10

GET Methods :

params = {"status" : "Approved" or "Rejected" or "New"} (leave blank to see all loans)


POST Methods :


data = {
"username" : "yourusername",
"password" : "yourpassword",
"email" : "email",
Basic Auth header
username and password required

data = {
"loan_amount" : 2000

GET Methods:

params = {"status" : "Approved" or "Rejected" or "New"} (leave blank to see all loans)
Request loan tp admin on behalf of customers
All the requests made by that agent (loan requests on behalf of customer)
View edit history of particular loan
params = {
"start_date" : "1985-01-17",
"end_date" : "2025-09-17"
params = {
"start_date" : "1985-01-17",
"end_date" : "2025-09-17"


POST Methods

Basic Auth header
username and password required

GET Methods

Returns agents which have registered but aren't approved by admin to enter the system
Approve agent to allow him to enter the system
Returns all the loan requests made by the particular agent
Approve loan
Reject loan
View edit history of particular loan
params = {
"start_date" : "1985-01-17",
"end_date" : "2025-09-17"
params = {"status" : "Approved" or "Rejected" or "New"} (leave blank to see all loans)
params = {
"start_date" : "1985-01-17",
"end_date" : "2025-09-17"