
Flask Python Web Service Using nsetools

Primary LanguagePython

Stocks - A Python Environment

Build Status

A Sample Project to describe, or uses the pyton environment extensively

  • pyenv virtualenvironment
  • Ansible provisioning / setup
  • Unit Tests
  • Travis Ci Integration

Install Dependencies

  • preferred to have run ./local_build.sh but to be precise, run pip intall -r requirements.txt, requirements.txt contains the dependencies for the project.

Run Application

  • To Run the App python stock_market.py, uses app.run(*args) and start the service
  • losers and gainers endpoint also supports json, request json by passing query parameter json=t or json=true

Run Ansible Script

ansible-playbook -i 'vagrant@ip', setup.yml # Running for remote/vagrant maching 
ansible-playbook -i 'localhost', setup.yml -c local # Running for remote/vagrant maching #To Run locally

Run Unit Tests

pattern not required if you have tests with convention test_*.py

To Break localbuild if any of linter/ jobs fails

Add this to the localbuild.sh file

or set -e in terminal. This exits the script if any command returns non-zero value or FAILS (echo $?).


This project mostly uses, exposes you to the following,

  • Need For Environment?
    • conflicts across libraries || python versions
    • print "" fails in python3+
    • generator.next() fails in python3+
  • pyenv
    • pyenv versions lists all python versions available (2.7, 3.2, 3.4.1 ...)
    • pyenv shell - to activate a specific python version (PYENV_VERSION)
  • pyenv virtualenv
    • install python version (pyenv install 2.7)
    • install virtualenvironment (pyenv virtualenv 2.7 stock_env)
    • pyenv activate to activate virtualenv or put virtualenv name in .python-version file
  • pip manages the dependency modules
    • pip list show all modules
    • pip freeze > requirements.txt to update requirements file.
  • Tests... Unit Tests... TDD! Try to Have more Tests/Test Coverage. No Documentation :)
  • linters
    • pep8, pyflakes, pylint
  • basic service with flask
  • ansible to setup projects
  • file, name, main ...
    • export PYTHONVERBOSE="bla" to have more debugging info
    • unset PYTHONVERBOSE to remove debugging info
