File Dependency Hierarchy:
Please create a terraform file and add these lines below:
module "asg-elb-lt" {
source = "devdot4/asg-elb-lt/aws"
version = "1.0.2"
# AWS Region.
aws_region = "us-east-1"
# VPC Module - Team 2.
vpc_cidr_block = ""
vpc_public_cidr_1 = ""
vpc_public_cidr_2 = ""
vpc_public_cidr_3 = ""
vpc_private_cidr_1 = ""
vpc_private_cidr_2 = ""
vpc_private_cidr_3 = ""
# RDS Module - Team 3.
rds_name = "wordpress"
rds_engine = "aurora"
rds_engine_version = "5.6.10a"
rds_instance_class = "db.t3.small"
rds_ssm_parameter_name = "admin"
rds_route53_zone = ""
rds_subnet_group_name = "rds-aurora"
rds_cluster_identifier = "wordpress"
rds_master_username = "admin"
rds_master_password = "redhat69"
# Auto Scaling Group.
aws_asg_name = "aws-asg"
aws_asg_desired_capacity = 5
aws_asg_min_size = 5
aws_asg_max_size = 99
aws_asg_capacity_rebalance = true
# ASG Mixed Instance Types.
aws_asg_on_demand_base_capacity = 50
aws_asg_on_demand_percentage_above_base_capacity = 50
aws_asg_spot_allocation_strategy = "capacity-optimized"
aws_asg_instance_type_1 = "c3.large"
aws_asg_weighted_capacity_1 = "3"
aws_asg_instance_type_2 = "c4.large"
aws_asg_weighted_capacity_2 = "2"
aws_asg_instance_type_3 = "c5.large"
aws_asg_weighted_capacity_3 = "1"
# Elastic Load Balancer.
aws_elb_name = "aws-elb"
aws_elb_listener_instance_port = 80
aws_elb_listener_instance_protocol = "http"
aws_elb_listener_lb_port = 80
aws_elb_listener_lb_protocol = "http"
aws_elb_health_check_healthy_threshold = 2
aws_elb_health_check_unhealthy_threshold = 2
aws_elb_health_check_timeout = 3
aws_elb_health_check_target = "HTTP:80/"
aws_elb_health_check_interval = 30
aws_elb_cross_zone_load_balancing = true
aws_elb_idle_timeout = 400
aws_elb_connection_draining = true
aws_elb_connection_draining_timeout = 400
# Elastic Load Balancer Attachment.
aws_lb_target_group_name = "target-group-team4"
aws_lb_target_group_port = 80
aws_lb_target_group_protocol = "HTTP"
# Launch Template Configuration.
aws_lt_name = "aws-lt"
aws_lt_image_id = "ami-0cde3d3eb0550c016"
aws_lt_instance_type = "c3.large"
# SSH-Keygen.
aws_kp_name = "aws-key-pair"
aws_kp_path = "~/.ssh/"
# Security Group.
aws_sg_name = "aws-sg"
aws_sg_description = "Allow TLS inbound traffic."
aws_sg_service_ports = ["22", "80", "443", "3306"]
aws_sg_cidr_block = ""
# Tags.
aws_tags = {
Name = "team-4"
Environment = "production"
Batch = "january"
Please enter the following commands to run this module:
terraform init
terraform apply