
A simple to use trusted software stack fully implemented in C#

Primary LanguageC#

Prior building DoTSS you need a working mono >=2.6 installation
with at least the following assemblies contained in the global
assembly cache (gac):
 * System
 * System.Core
 * System.Configuration
 * System.Data
 * System.Xml
 * System.Security
 * System.ServiceProcess
 * Mono.Posix
 * Mono.Security

xbuild for mono (or msbuild for Microsoft .Net Framework) can
be used to build DoTSS from the commandline, further monodevelop
(or Microsoft Visual Studio) can be used to compile DoTSS  
from its solution file.

To compile from command line, change to the source directory 
and compile using:

xbuild tpm_server.sln


msbuild tpm_server.sln

Depending on the build type, the resulting server assemblies 
are located in tpm_server/bin/[Debug|Release]

The server configuration is located in the file 
tpm_server.exe.config in the binary directory. 

Sample server configuration files for several use cases 
are located in tpm_server/SampleConfigurations and can be 
copy-and-pasted to the binary directory.

To simply run the server on console , change to the binary 
path and run:

mono tpm_server.exe

To run it in the background on linux using the mono service 
wrapper run:
mono-service2 -l:/path/to/lock.file tpm_server.exe

To install the tpm_server on Windows as a service run:
InstallUtil tpm_server.exe

and start it using:
net start DoTSS

Examples are located in the 'Examples' directory.
All examples are based on the simple xml configuration library
which allows you to setup a connection to the tpm server
with a single line of code. 
Sample xml configuration files are located in 
Examples/ClientConfigXml and can be used in all examples by
simply exchanging the configuration file used in the example.

The client configuration file of course needs to correspond
with the server configuration to use a server-supported 
connection and authentication type.