
An internal tool used to expense receipts in MyTe

MIT LicenseMIT


An internal tool used to expense receipts in MyTe.

Note: This software is provided without warranties. You should host this Azure template on your own private Azure Subscription so other users can't extract passwords or other secrets from the AppSettings of the application.

Create an Azure Docker Instance that hosts a Telegram Bot


Setting Description Example
accentureUserName The username you use within Accenture to login (without @accenture.com) heinz.doofenshmirtz
accenturePassword Your password ....
telegramBotToken The token used by your bot. Can be created by talking to the BotFather: Botfather 123456789:AAAAAAAAAAAA_BBBBBBBBBBBBB_cccccc
telegramUserId Your Telegram UserId, on telegram search for @userinfobot, start the chat and it will reply with your user id 123456789
symantecSecret Your Symanted secret. Can be created using my other tool: DeveVipAccess. Simply download DeveVipAccess.ConsoleApp.exe and execute it. Make sure to then trust this secret using this url: Symantec Self Service Portal GFH39GH2L5GH2GI4853HL9ASG5O2HGIR
subscriptionKeyFormRecognizer The Subscription key for an instance of Form Recognizer that's trained on Receipts (Basically ask Devedse) 0000000000aaaaaaaaaa1111111111bbbb
modelIdFormRecognizer The guid of the Model in Form Recognizer that's trained on Receipts (Basically ask Devedse) 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444


Docker Hub
Docker Hub