
example workflow Docker Image Size

GitLab-Task-Scheduler is a powerful tool designed to automate the creation and scheduling of issues in GitLab projects using CI/CD pipelines.

Table of Contents

Setup Instructions

1. Create a Project Access Token

To interact with the GitLab API, you need a project access token. Follow the instructions here: GitLab Documentation: Project Access Token

  • Token Name: Task Scheduler
  • Role: Guest
  • Expiration Date: Set an appropriate expiration date for your token.
  • Scope: api

Copy the token: After creating the token, copy it for use in the next steps.

2. Create CI/CD Variables

Next, configure the necessary CI/CD variables in your GitLab project:

  1. Navigate to your project's settings and add a new variable.
  2. Set up the variable as follows:
    • Type: Variable (default)
    • Value: <your_project_access_token>
    • Visibility: False
    • Masked: True
    • Protected: False
    • Expand variable: False

For detailed instructions, visit: GitLab Documentation: CI/CD Variables.

3. Create Pipeline File

Create a .gitlab-ci.yml file in the root directory of your repository with the following content:

  image: deve1musa/gitlab-task-scheduler:latest
  script: gitlabtaskscheduler
    - schedules

This configuration sets up the pipeline to run the task scheduler using the specified Docker image.

4. Create Scheduled Templates

Create a markdown file for each scheduled task in the .gitlab/scheduled_templates/ directory. Here is an example:

title: "Daily reminder" # The issue title
cron_expression: "@daily" # The schedule using crontab syntax, such as "*/30 * * * *", or a predefined value of @annually, @yearly, @monthly, @weekly, or @daily. Check for help.
active: true # Set to true to enable this template, false to disable

This is a daily reminder template.

Each template specifies the title, cron expression, and active status for the scheduled issue.

5. Create Scheduled Pipeline

Set up the scheduled pipeline to trigger the task scheduler. Ensure the interval pattern is shorter than the cron_expression in the template to ensure it triggers correctly. For more details, see: Scheduled pipelines | GitLab.

Happy scheduling! ⏲️

Local Development


  • Python interpreter
  • rye
  • Docker
  • Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd gitlab-task-scheduler
  1. Install dependencies:
rye sync
  1. Run the scheduler locally:
python -m gitlabtaskscheduler