
[JavaScript] A simple animated Web business card in HTML5, CSS and JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


[JavaScript] A simple animated Web business card in HTML5, CSS and JavaScript

Font used: Source Code Pro
JS used: TypeIt

Getting started

  1. Cloning this repository
  2. Launch index.html

File structure

/ .................... Root
├─ index.html ........ Main HTML file
├─ js ................ Folder with JavaScript files
│  ├─ index.js ....... JS file with global variables and events
│  ├─ functions.js ... JS file with functions
│  └─ typeit.js ...... JS file with TypeItJS
├─ img ............... Folder with images
│  ├─ icon.png ....... PNG file with fravicon
│  └─ photo.png ...... Photo from page_3
└─ css ............... Folder with CSS files
   ├─ index.css ...... Main CSS file
   └─ fonts .......... Folder with fonts files
      ├─ img.woff .... Font file with icons
      ├─ Source_Code_Pro_cyrillic.woff2
      ├─ Source_Code_Pro_cyrillic_ext.woff2
      ├─ Source_Code_Pro_latin.woff2 
      └─ Source_Code_Pro_latin_ext.woff2