
Easy to use logging class

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


The code snippet provided demonstrates the process of starting the logging functionality using a class called "Logger." The Logger class is designed to provide an easy-to-use interface for logging messages in a C++ application.

To begin the logging process, the code initializes the Logger by calling its static function attach(). Before that, it outputs an information message using the qInfo() function from the "MainCategory" category, indicating the current file being logged, which is accessed through the Utilities::Logger::filename variable.

Once the attach() function is invoked, the Logger class will be activated, and subsequent log messages will be captured and processed according to the logging configuration.

Overall, the provided code snippet offers a simple and straightforward way to initialize and start logging within a C++ application using the Logger class, making it easier to track and analyze runtime information and potential issues.

Start the logging process

    // Logger başlasın.
    qInfo(MainCategory) << "File:" << Utilities::Logger::filename;


  • I have inspired from voidrealm udemy tutorials.
  • There is a colorization bug i cannot fix right now.