Create React Admin Amplify App

Iteration 1 manual steps

  • npx create-react-app <name> <args>
  • detect yarn here and use it do this later
  • npm install react-admin
  • detect amplify cli or aws cli
  • detect that aws configure has been run
  • detect that @aws-amplify/cli is installed
  • detect that amplify configure has been run see
  • amplify init
  • npm install @aws-amplify/core @aws-amplify/api @aws-amplify/auth
  • npm install react-admin-amplify
  • amplify add api
  • either run amplify add codegen or amplify push to generate graphql files
  • copy over App.js


if not using AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS as amplify auth option, app.js boilerplate needs to change

Before you start

Double check you have installed