Series of tutorial code snippets for use #Maven publish tutorial steps Publishing artifact to Nexus snapshot and release repo using maven.
- Create a snapshot repo using nexus, or use default coming in out of the box.
- Create a release repo using nexus, or use default coming out of the box.
- Create a group repo having both release, snapshot and other third party repos. or use default coming out of the box.
- Download spring initializer project
- Go settings.xml under <MAVEN_INSTALL_LOCATION>\apache-maven-3.6.0\conf or C:\Users<USER_NAME>.m2
- Create profiles named snapshot and release in settings.xml (can be done in pom.xml as well)
- Add server user name and pwd in setting.xml (Encrypted recommended).
- Edit pom.xml and add repository and snapshot repository in distribution management tag
- Mark id should match in step 7 with server id of settings.xml
- Run mvn clean deploy, this will publish to snapshot repo
- Change the version from 1.0-Snapshot to 1.0
- Run mvn clean deploy -P release, it will deploy it to release repo