
Tutorial about using firebase 9. This is the tutorial I followed from the "net ninja" youtube channel and converted it into the GitHub code tutorial.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Firebase 9 setup and usage


1) : Setup Webpack using npm

  • Initialize with package.json npm init -y
  • Install webpack and webpack cli npm i webpack webpack-cli -D
  • Configure webpack in webpack.config.js at root
  • Run webpack to do bundling (Create custom script in package.json for build)
  • Run using npm run build (it runs webpack on backend)
  • Connect index.html with bundle.js
  • Preview in the browser for the output of the index.js

2) : Setup Firebase project

  • Create firebase project on firebase console
  • Get config and paste in index.js
  • Install firebase npm i firebase
  • Initialize firebase app using the config

3) : Fetching data from firebase

  • Setup database
  • Add collection and documents to database
  • Fetch data from database into the console

4) : Adding and deleting documents from frontend

  • Create form in index.html for adding doc

  • Add database adding logic

  • Add documents

  • Create form in index.html for deleting doc

  • Add database delete logic

  • Delete Docs

5) : Add realtime listener (Subscription) logic to app

  • Change function from getDocs to onSnapshot
  • Write the logic

6) : Querying particular data

  • Change collection ref to query ref

7) : Ordering Data and Timestamps

  • order data by some field
  • Create timestamps
  • order by timestamp

8) : Getting single document

  • Make doc ref
  • get doc
  • Subscribing to a document

9) : Update/Edit documents

  • Get Reference
  • Update doc

10) : Authentication

  • Go to firebase-console then Authentication

  • Click Get Started

  • Click email/password

  • Click enable switch

  • Click save

  • setup auth

11) : Sign Up users

  • Create signup form
  • Attack event listener

12) : Login and Logout Users

  • Create login form and logout button
  • Setup event listeners
  • Call logout function
  • Call login function

13) : Setup Auth subscription

  • onAuthStateChanged setup

14) : Unsubscribe from db/auth changes

  • unsub