Tech Hacks 3.0


Generate NFTs just with few clicks Enter text to get a image and then generate NFTs of that image.

Team - Open Source

Team Member

  • Pritam Kumar
  • Srishti Kumar
  • Sadhvi

Tech Stack

Client: React, Vite, TailwindCSS

Server: Solana Blockchain, Metaplex, Node, Express, Firebase function, Firebase Storage


Clone project

git clone

Front End

cd client
npm i
npm run dev


Setup firebase

cd backend/functions
npm i
firebase init

To run Backend, use the following command

cd backend/functions
npm i
npm run serve

Key points

  • Custom NFT generation
  • No creation charge
  • Security gurantee
  • Fastest transactions


How can we mint NFT?

For minting NFT, follow following steps:

  • Connect with Phantom wallet
  • User is required to provide text input
  • As per user text image is generated
  • Image is saved to firebase
  • User recieve their NFT
  • Transfer NFT to Phantom Wallet
  • Mint NFT

Is there any creation charge?

Generation of NFTs on our platform is 100% free, we only take royalty charge of NFTs

Does transcations are reflected in user wallet ?

NFTs are minted and is reflected in your wallet in seconds due the use of powerful Solana Blockchain.

How the image is generated?

The image is generated with the help of Dalle Ai, which is a Image generation model by openAi.

Where the image is stored?

Currently the image is stored in our firebase database, but in future we are planning to store in IPFS based storage.

What is our benifit with this project?

We will get 10% royality for each NFT generated by out platform when they will be sold in future.

Lessons Learned

Future Scope

  • Allow users to upload their own images or provide a link to an image to be displayed on the NFT marketplace
  • Implement a blockchain-based system to track and facilitate the buying and selling of NFTs on the platform
  • Develop a custom token specifically for use in trading NFTs on the platform
  • Expand the NFT marketplace to include a wider variety of NFTs, potentially including those from other blockchains
  • Integrate additional features and tools to enhance the user experience and functionality of the NFT marketplace, such as a wallet for storing and managing tokens
  • Explore partnerships and collaborations with other organizations or individuals involved in the NFT space to further grow and develop the platform.


For support, email .
