
Clean your all commit history in one line

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


CommitCleaner is a tool designed to neatly reset the commit history of your Git repository while keeping the current state of the code intact. This utility allows you to maintain a clean repository, starting afresh without the clutter of unnecessary history.


  • Removes Git commit history
  • Retains the current state of the code
  • Creates a new initial commit


CommitCleaner is written in Python and can be easily installed via pip:

pip install commitcleaner


Once installed, you can execute the commitcleaner command in your command line within the directory of your Git repository to reset its commit history:

cd {your project}

This command performs the following actions:

  1. Creates an orphan branch named latest_branch.
  2. Adds all files to the staging area.
  3. Creates a new commit with the message "Initial commit".
  4. Deletes the existing main branch.
  5. Renames the current branch to main.
  6. Force pushes the changes to the remote repository.


  • It is advisable to backup important data before using this tool, as the process of removing commit history is irreversible.
  • Force pushing (git push -f) to a remote repository can cause synchronization issues with other collaborators. Discuss with your team before using.


This tool was inspired by a Stack Overflow answer, which provides a method for removing Git commit history while keeping the code in its current state. You can find the original solution here.


This project was generated with the assistance of ChatGPT-4, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI. The tool's concept, code snippets, and documentation were crafted through interactive sessions with the AI, showcasing the potential of AI-assisted software development.


If you would like to contribute to the commitcleaner project, please feel free to submit an issue or a pull request on GitHub. All contributions are welcome!


This project is distributed under the MIT License.