Pinned Repositories
This is an Android Library for developer to use android customized widgets and change fonts style easily. Example is avilable in app module.
This is an Android Library for developer to use customized calendar with all type of views and features, like Month View, Week View, Day View, Agenda, Add Events, Add Holiday etc. So all of these features contain in one calendar.
This is an Android Library for developer to use customized recyclerview with many features, like easy use Empty view, Refresh view, Floating Action Button, Load more. So all these features contain in one recyclerview.
This is an Android Library for developer to use Android Toast and Customized Toast easily.
developerVatsal's Repositories
This is an Android Library for developer to use customized calendar with all type of views and features, like Month View, Week View, Day View, Agenda, Add Events, Add Holiday etc. So all of these features contain in one calendar.
This is an Android Library for developer to use customized recyclerview with many features, like easy use Empty view, Refresh view, Floating Action Button, Load more. So all these features contain in one recyclerview.
This is an Android Library for developer to use Android Toast and Customized Toast easily.
This is an Android Library for developer to use android customized widgets and change fonts style easily. Example is avilable in app module.