Phone number verification with AWS Lambda Microservices, Kinesis, DynamoDB, Node.js, and React.js
As part of a larger project I recently built a self-contained web app that signs up a user by phone number and performs phone number verification by verifying his/her possession of that number. This might be interesting if you are:
- looking for a (non-production) example implementation of phone number verification
- interested in event-driven microservices (see Pivotal, MapR) - serverless (AKA FaaS) microservice architecture using AWS Lambda in an event-driven architecture (see Wikipedia, Java design pattern) based on AWS Kinesis Streams
For full instructions, including the necessary AWS console configuration steps, see this blog post: Phone number verification with AWS Lambda Microservices, Kinesis, DynamoDB, Node.js, and React.js
cd ./webapp
yarn install
yarn start
auth service
cd ./auth
yarn install
serverless deploy -v