Location tracking system:

It basically means a way to track your things (vehicles, objects and so on...). The idea here is to give a cost effective solution to this problem. One traditional approach would be to use IOT and other hardware to achieve this.Hardware can be a little inconsistent and cannot be trusted

Our Solution:

I used to wake up late as a result I used to miss my college bus. I had to find a way to track my route number (bus). I approached my faculties (a.k.a teachers) proposing them a solution to this problem. They were quiet interested in my proposal and they gave all the permissions to build the solution

Our Solution

We started with the traditional approach of using iot to solve this. But we encountered a lot of issues with voltage inconsistencies and the fact that I had to write a lengthy server sided code to handle it. Then we thought of a unique solution. We looked around to find an hardware which was tested and industry grade. We found the solution and it was right in our palm. Android devices are tested and industry grade. When we look at ola, uber and other location based systems. They are achieving this by using hand held devices. So we used the similar architecture with a little twist. Every morning, When the bus driver starts the bus. He scans the QR-code which is attached near his dash board and he starts the location service which runs in the background. This services sends location on a realtime. The location is sent to the firebase.The student side of this story fetches the location and parses that location on google maps (on a realtime basis). Hence, the student will be able to locate his bus during hours.

How is it cost effective ?

Well, to begin with we are not using any hardware as a result you have cut cost on the hardware side and the second major factor which is very important is the cloud plan. Here we are not storing any data (just the location data and some extra things), As a result you will be using the free quota most of the times. Also google firebase's blaze plan seems to be ideal candidate for this purpose

Need complete architecture?

You can ping me and I will provide you !!!! I am active on git (don't check my activity log @_@).