
Spring is NEAR 2022 Challenge 8 (Final): Roketo Challenge.

Primary LanguageRuby

Spring is NEAR 2022 Challenge 8: Roketo Challenge

Problem Statement

Roketo, a crypto streaming service, announces a new challenge to reveal the product’s strongest side – their real-time payments.
The task is to create a service application of Roketo for any pay per minute service such as co-working, car parking, equipment rental, etc. The MVP of a service could work partially, but the payment in that service should be done through Roketo and work. Use Roketo streaming smart contract as a payment method in your MVP.

To take part in challenge, follow these steps:

  • Choose a particular situation applicable for real-time payments.
  • (ok this statement is confusing but I guess we don't need to do this?) Then find a way to onboard people into the topic (Roketo & NEAR).
  • Come up with a tool / product /service / dApp where Roketo payment solution will be integrated. Do not hesitate to create a simple UI to use our contract. So the goal is to find a way to lay our technology on daily tasks.
  • Make a video presentation with an idea explanation.

Useful Links

Technical setup

The first thing is to bundle install stuff. We only want non production.

bundle config set --local without production
bundle install

The second thing is to recreate master key and credentials.

EDITOR="code ." bin/rails credentials:edit

Close the file. Then run migrations:

rails db:migrate

Then we need to install bootstrap. (Ignore the error, it'll auto install upon cannot find bootstrap). This requires yarn and node js.

bash rebuild.sh

Everything should be fine after that. Try to start rails s and see if it starts or not.

rails s

Everything should be fine after that. Try to start rails s and see if it starts or not.


Run these one by one:

heroku create app_name
git push heroku main
heroku run rails db:migrate