Infinite recursive shape

As part of the this test. I have setup this project.

The big 0 for the algorithm to draw the shape is O(n^2).

Start the project

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm start
  4. Visit http://localhost:8080, you will see a box with width 20, height 20 and padding 4
    20 width, 20 height, 4 padding are the default values, You can change and submit the form to see new results.


npm run dev starts a development server and uses nodemon for project refresh

Run Tests

npm run test

Github action setup

I have setup the project to test and deploy to cloud run on push to the master branch. Project deploys here


  1. For width 20 height 40 and padding 6
    For width 20m height 40 and padding 6
  2. For width 80 height 20 and padding 16
    For width 80 height 20 and padding 16
  3. For width 60 height 60 and padding 10
    For width 60 height 60 and padding 10
  4. For width 80 height 100 and padding 20
    For width 80 height 100 and padding 20

My open-source activities

  1. I maintain a project for Cloudwatch Logs for Laravel.
  2. I write few blogs in my free time. This is my medium link. I need to write more of these :).
  3. I gave a talk for Dubai Js Meetup 03. Created this repo for preparation.
  4. I presented about SOLID principle and used this project for the demo.
  5. I did this project as part of the test for a company. It shows my knowledge of OOP, SOLID and tests.