AutoGPT with Langchain in Node.js

This repository contains a Node.js boilerplate for getting started with AutoGPT using Langchain. The project demonstrates how to set up and use the experimental AutoGPT implementation in a Node.js environment. It provides a foundation for building applications that leverage the power of generative language models and external APIs to create dynamic and interactive content.


Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone cd autogpt-langchain-nodejs

  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install langchain hnswlib dotenv

  3. Create a .env file in the root directory and add your API keys:

    OPENAI_API_KEY=your_openai_api_key SERPAPI_API_KEY=your_serp_api_key

  4. Run the index.js script to see AutoGPT in action:

    node index.js

How It Works

The index.js script performs the following steps:

  • Imports necessary modules from Langchain, including AutoGPT, ReadFileTool, WriteFileTool, SerpAPI, NodeFileStore, HNSWLib, OpenAIEmbeddings, and ChatOpenAI.
  • Configures dotenv to manage environment variables.
  • Instantiates NodeFileStore, tools for file operations and SERP API, and HNSWLib with OpenAI embeddings.
  • Creates an AutoGPT instance with the ChatOpenAI model, tools, and memory.
  • Demonstrates how to use AutoGPT to perform tasks and generate content.


This boilerplate provides a starting point for your own projects. You can customize the code to create a wide range of applications, such as generating dynamic web content, creating interactive chatbots, and more. Feel free to experiment and explore the capabilities of AutoGPT and Langchain!