
Tinygram is a new social media platform for visual storytelling. Share moments, connect with friends, and explore captivating content.

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Project TinyGram

Tinygram is a cutting-edge social media platform 😊 that brings the world of visual storytelling to life. Developed using the power of Laravel 10 🤗

tinygram logo

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/developersharif/tinygram.git

Go to the project directory

  cd tinygram

Install dependencies

  composer install

copy .env.example to .env

cp .env.example .env

Key Generate

php artisan key:generate

Storage Link

php artisan storage:link

##-Update DB info in .env-##


php artisan migrate

install Tailwindcss

  npm install

Build Tailwindcss

  npm run build

Run Tests

  php artisan test

DB Seed

php artisan db:seed

Start the server

  php artisan serve

Start the socket server

  php artisan websockets:serve


git clone https://github.com/developersharif/tinygram.git && cd tinygram && composer install && cp .env.example .env
Update DB info (.env)
php artisan key:generate && php artisan storage:link && php artisan migrate && npm install && npm run build && php artisan test && php artisan db:seed && php artisan serve


Demo Account:



Run on play with docker https://labs.play-with-docker.com/

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/developersharif/tinygram.git

Go to the project directory

  cd tinygram

Build Docker Image #with docker desktop

docker compose build

Docker Up

  docker compose up -d

Docker initial commands

docker exec tinygram-app bash -c "cp .env.docker .env && composer install && php artisan key:generate && php artisan migrate && php artisan db:seed && npm install && npm run build && chmod -R a+rw storage/ && php artisan storage:link"

Run websocket server

docker exec tinygram-app bash -c "php artisan websockets:serve"

Open: http://localhost


App Home App Profile App Notification

Demo Video.



  • Auth/Authorization (Breeze Starter kit)
  • Post Crud
  • Like
  • Comment (With Nested Reply)
  • Follow/Unfollow
  • Like, Comment, Reply Notification
  • Search (Users/Posts)
  • NewsFeed as User Following Lists
  • RealTime Messaging
  • Custom Policy Applied
  • UI (Tailwindcss & DaisyUI)
  • Templating Engine (Blade)
  • Fully ORM Based
  • Mobile First Design

Tech Stack

Client: Alpinejs, DaisyUI, TailwindCSS, Fontawesome, Reactjs(/chat route)

Server: PHP8.2, Laravel10.x,Blade ,(Node,NPM to build TailwindCSS)
