
Stupid small GoLang programme to grouping the image automatically by YMD/YM

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Stupid small GoLang program to grouping the image automatically by YearMonth or


  1. run benchmark library [half]
    1. https://blog.logrocket.com/benchmarking-golang-improve-function-performance/
    2. https://geektutu.com/post/hpg-benchmark.html
    3. https://hackernoon.com/how-to-write-benchmarks-in-golang-like-an-expert-0w1834gs
    4. https://dave.cheney.net/2013/06/30/how-to-write-benchmarks-in-go
  2. read files in current directory [done]
  3. read files in subsequent directories [done]
  4. put file entries in to map [done]
  5. making the file entries into faster query data structures [done]
  6. read exif data [done]
  7. generate folder according to settings and files entries [done]
  8. move files to correspondent folder
  9. make things concurrency mode (if possible) [done]
  10. support more file format [ARW, mp4]
  11. fuzzy file grouping
  12. Read number of cpu to concurrency [done]
  13. Enhance to integrate with golang cli framework
  14. compile to different os [done]
    1. go tool dist list
    2. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/building-go-applications-for-different-operating-systems-and-architectures
    3. GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ./bin/windows/picgroup.exe
    4. GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ./bin/linux/picgroup
    5. go build -o ./bin/macm1/picgroup
