This plugin makes it easy to register all of your Xamarin applications to Microsoft Azure Push Notifications with support for using Tags.
The supported projects are:
- Xamarin.Forms
- Xamarin.Android
- Windows Phone 8.1 RT
- Windows Phone Silverlight
- Windows Store 8
The resulted Nuget Package is published on Nuget website
And could be installed inside your project via Nuget Package Manager or via the Package Manager Console:
PM> Install-Package Xam.Plugin.AzurePushNotification
1 - Install the nuget package Xam.Plugin.AzurePushNotification on each of your Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Android, Windows Store, Windows Phone (Silverlight and RT) projects.
2 - Register to Azure Push Notification.
AzurePushNotificationImplementation.MainActivityInstance = this; AzurePushNotificationImplementation.NotificationIconDrawable = Android.Resource.Drawable.StatNotifyMore;
- Register your app for the Windows Store: - configure your Notification Hub for Windows: - In the package.appxmanifest, make sue that 'Toast capable' is set to 'Yes'. - configure your Notification Hub for Windows Phone Silverlight: - WMAppManifest.xml file, click the Capabilities tab, and make sure that the ID_CAP_PUSH_NOTIFICATION capability is checked.3 - Inside the portable Xamarin.Forms project, in app.cs constructor, add the following code:
PushNotificationCredentials.Tags = new string[] { "test1", "dev", "prod", "phones" }; PushNotificationCredentials.GoogleApiSenderId = "GoogleApiSenderId"; PushNotificationCredentials.AzureNotificationHubName = "AzureNotificationHubName"; PushNotificationCredentials.AzureListenConnectionString = "AzureListenConnectionString";
PushNotificationMessages.RegistrationMessage = "Successfully registered to Azure Push Notification!"; PushNotificationMessages.RegistrationMessageDescription = "You are successfully registered to Azure Push Notification!"; PushNotificationMessages.UnregistrationMessage = "Successfully unregistered from Azure Push Notification!"; PushNotificationMessages.UnregistrationMessageDescription = "Successfully unregistered from Azure Push Notification!"; PushNotificationMessages.ReceivedMessage = "A new message coming!"; PushNotificationMessages.IsShowRegistrationMessage = true; // show RegistrationMessage on task bar.