Can be found in DownloadClient.cs
Can be found in Models.Coupon.cs
Can be found in Plexure.Sample.Tests project
ItineraryManager doesn't implement an interface.
This means services using this class would breach the D in the SOLID principles. "Rely on abstractions not concrete implementations"
Makes mocking messy, better to mock an interface
More code changes requried to swap out the ItineraryManager for another implementation
Create an interface for the class
Newing up classes in the constructor
Unit testing becomes hard as you can't mock out the datastore or the distance calculator
When you want to use a different type of datastore or distance calculator you have to make more changes
Use interfaces for the datastore and distance calculator
Use DI to configure these
Cause the application to hang, waiting for the GetItinaryAsync to complete before moving on.
Use await and change the return type async Task<IEnumerable<....
No null check on the priceProviders parameter
Add a null check
throw new InvalidOperationException();
You could return an empty quote list instead of throwing an exception (Preference/Contact thing). I don't know what the contract is on the function. Should the system have gotten this far if the itinerary was invalid?
Trying to access local variable from a different thread
You could use concurrentbag or something similar
Result, same as issue 3
itinerary.Waypoints[i + 1] will throw an out of index error
result = result + could be changed
Change the loop to store the last origin value and use that to calculate the distance between it and the destination. If origin isn't set, set it and continue as there is no destination at this point to calculate the distance.
result +=