
FREE WordPress Question and Answer Plugin

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

DW Question & Answer

  • Contributors: designwall, Farid-Gh, scheunemann, gciprian, Ahmet Kolcu, Astrotenko Roman, David Robles, Nidhal Naji
  • Tags: question, answer, support, quora, stackoverflow
  • Requires at least: 3.0.1
  • Tested up to: 3.8
  • Stable tag: 1.2.4
  • License: GPLv3
  • License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

Your WordPress site will have a full-featured Question & Answer section like Stack Overflow, Quora or Yahoo Answers


Developed by DesignWall, DW Question & Answer is a FREE WordPress Plugin in which builds up a Question & Answer system on your WordPress site.

Your WordPress site will have a full-featured Question & Answer section like Stack Overflow, Quora or Yahoo Answers. Your users can Submit question, Search and Filter questions by status, get answered from others. Users can comment and reply to a question or an answer, can vote and definitely can pick one best answer for their questions.


  • Submit Question
  • Order Question by Category, Tags
  • Add Answer to Question
  • Choose Best Answer for Question
  • Comment for Question / Answer
  • Vote Question / Answer
  • Customizable Notification Email regarding new Question / Answer and Comment
  • Quick Questions filter
  • Manages Question by status
  • Instant Search by keywords

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usS9ug0pI7A]


  1. Upload dw-question-answer to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Log In to your WordPress Dashboard and go to menu Dashboard > DW Q&A > Settings then choose pages where to put submit question form and list questions page.


  1. Front-end appearance
  2. Ask question page
  3. Single question page
  4. Search page with Instant search function
  5. Back-end settings


= 1.2.4 =

  • New: Spanish Languages supported
  • New: Russian Languages supported
  • New: France Languages supported
  • Update: Editor Update for Wordpress 3.9
  • Fix: Email header was lost when have from field

= 1.2.3 =

  • New: Turkish Languages supported
  • New: Add new function Edit/Delete Question in Front-end
  • New: Add permission settings for Edit/Delete question in back-end.
  • Fix: Just add Insert Code button in the editor area inside the DWQA's Pages

= 1.2.2 =

  • Fix: Recover shortcodes 'dwqa-popular-questions', 'dwqa-latest-answers', 'dwqa-question-followers'

= 1.2.1 =

  • New : Re-design question status icons
  • New : German Language Supported
  • New : Add setting to enable / disable private question
  • New : Add email settings for admin email notification (edit/ change emails to receive notification)
  • New : Setting: Send A Copy Of Every Email To Admin
  • Fix : email template
  • Update : languages file

= 1.2.0 =

  • New : Sticky Questions
  • New : Shortcode For Popular Questions
  • New : Shortcode For Popular Latest Answers
  • New : Shortcode For Question List
  • New : Shortcode For Ask Question Form
  • New : Questions per page Settings
  • New : Language: Persian Language Supported
  • Fix : Duplicate in follow function
  • Fix : The visible of the best answer in question single page
  • Update: THESIS theme Compatible

= 1.1.1 =

  • Fixed: Questions are not followed automatically if answer authors post private answers
  • Fixed: Followers do not receive the email notification when there is a new comment to question
  • Fixed: Admin does not receive the email notification when there is a private question
  • Fixed: Question Author does not receive the email notification when there is a private answer.
  • Fixed: Question author does not receive the email notification when there is an anonymous post
  • New: Add Captcha System.
  • New: Add 3 email notifications: New Answer to followed question, New Comment to Question (followers), New Comment to Answer (followers)
  • Tweak: Sidebar is back with supported widgets.

= 1.1 =

  • Fixed: Don't automatically pick the best answer which has the most votes ( at least 3 votes)
  • Fixed: Only admin and author's question can read the best answer
  • Fixed: Can still add answer comment for closed questions
  • Fixed: Display number of answers incorrectly
  • Fixed: Link format in comment box displays incorrectly after editing
  • Fixed: After following the question, will change the tooltip to "Unfollow this question"
  • Fixed: Draft answers publish automatically when change status of the draft answers
  • Fixed: Missing avatar of anonymous after posting comment
  • Fixed: Subscriber can change private/public questions of other people
  • Fixed: Anonymous can follow the question
  • Fixed: Private question owners can not read their own private answers
  • Fixed: Answers disappear after answer author changes status from public to private
  • Fixed: Permalinks don't displays properly as in back-end settings
  • Fixed: Ordered by bulleted list and numbered list don't display properly after posting answers
  • Fixed: Still show "Edit/delete" icon on question comment after disabling "edit" comment
  • Fixed: Tags filtering displays the results incorrectly
  • Fixed: Anonymous can not post comments after enabling anonymous to post the comments
  • Fixed: Permalinks don't work properly after refreshing
  • Tweak: Missing "flag" function at front-end after disabling "edit"/"delete" answer in back-end
  • Tweak: Not highlight "questions" page on the menu when viewing a single question
  • New: Filter Questions which have new comments
  • New: New user interface
  • New: Add option to enable/disable notification email in back-end
  • New: Add registering form
  • New: Follow/Unfollow questions
  • New: Switch question/answer between Private and Public

= 1.0.4 =

  • Fixed: Can not publish Private question.
  • Fixed: Link format in question comment box does not display properly.
  • Fixed: Replace text "by by" under the question with " by -question author"
  • New: Use new vector-based icon for DW Q&A Menu

= 1.0.3 =

  • Fixed: Missing attribute "class" when insert codes to tag on Answer Editor
  • Fixed: Input's placeholder disappeared on IE 8,9 in submit question page
  • Fixed: Time is incorrect when add question/answer/comment
  • Fixed: duplicate answer after changing status of the question
  • Fixed: Line spacing between code lines becomes larger after editting
  • Fixed: Can not post comment on IE 8
  • Fixed: Time stamp is overlapped by avatar
  • Tweak: Auto create 2 pages: "Questions" & "Ask" when active plugin
  • Convert links when add new comment
  • Have a message to inform number of charaters for title box
  • New: Permission Settings - allow you to set permissions for default user roles: read, post, edit and delete either questions, answers or comments

= 1.0.2 =

  • Tweak: When user add a new comment/answer, status of question is changed to "open".
  • Fixed: Do not press "enter" key to post new comment.
  • Fixed: The answer cloned automatically after changing question status.
  • Fixed: When flag an answer, the answer should be automatically hidden.
  • Fixed: Function to Show/Hide an answer after flagging the answer works incorrectly.
  • Fixed: Question link and "View Comment" button don't work on new comment to question notification email.
  • Fixed: Can pick best answer for a draft answer.
  • Fixed: Filter functions don't work on IE8.
  • Fixed: Related questions were not being displayed by related Tags & Categories.
  • Fixed: Timestamp of the comment in the single post is incorrect after activating DW QA plugin.
  • Fixed: Questions don't appear on IE9.
  • New: Ready to translate into your native language.

= 1.0 =

  • The first version of DW Question & Answer