- 0
Fixing default devtools export
#199 opened by civancza - 0
- 1
Typing of setState and ActionFn
#135 opened by shabbyrobe - 0
Multiple Stores Overwrite on last store
#197 opened by adminy - 1
setState not updating components
#196 opened by adminy - 2
Errors with WMR
#193 opened by zgoda - 2
[Lack of Docs !] Where can I find a clear Doc to use it through multiple files ?
#191 opened by Mariodandre - 1
- 2
- 4
- 1
Stale state seems to be written to store when using a recursive object structure
#190 opened by chrisandrewca - 19
useStore Hooks?
#136 opened by thadeu - 0
- 4
connect in React.FunctionComponent?
#173 opened by eduardoborges - 1
Can't make unistore work with TypeScript
#188 opened by Drarig29 - 2
Better typings for `connect`
#160 opened by yannick-cw - 0
- 2
Web Component Bindings - Feature Request
#175 opened by srikrsna - 5
On preact child elements get rendered before parent
#146 opened by d3x7r0 - 2
How to access connected component method?
#150 opened by serge20 - 2
[feature] Сonnect effect to store
#155 opened by Akiyamka - 1
Race in the async action example?
#165 opened by mindplay-dk - 1
- 2
[feat] Namespacing actions
#170 opened by jschill - 2
- 1
Questions about this lib
#168 opened by vko-online - 0
#163 opened by mattaronoff - 0
Mutations & More parameters to listeners
#162 opened by krzepah - 5
- 1
- 2
Can you make a support for Vue and Angular?
#157 opened by manyopensource - 1
Connect all
#151 opened by dy - 1
- 2
What's this mysterious prototype override in the CodeSandbox example? Provider.prototype.render
#148 opened by Birch-san - 3
Page Refresh and Unistore
#143 opened by gopalramadugu - 1
Unistore + Gatsby?
#132 opened by ezekielaquino - 3
What's the reason for peerDependencies?
#139 opened by Timer - 1
- 1
Type check error in Class based component
#138 opened by praburangki - 1
Connected components loses its original name
#128 opened by andolf - 0
Multiple Actions and Unistore
#134 opened by gopalramadugu - 3
incrementAsync action in the example does not work.
#126 opened by tteke - 9
- 1
Build failed! Question.
#118 opened by tonyatseven - 2
- 13
- 4
`connect`ed components not updating on prop change
#120 opened by lwakefield - 2
App being rendered twice.
#115 opened by tonyatseven - 1
State is mutable without calling store.setState
#125 opened by codesections - 0
how to use connect in any function to access store?
#124 opened by thadeu