Project Structure:


constants/(static texts)
fonts/(google fonts)
images/(necessary images)
	api/(API calls)
	components/(common components)

Coding standards:

• Use a linter to make your code easier to review

• Avoid Inline CSS as and when possible (a CSS class should be created when there are more than 2 CSS attributes).

• Create multiple files instead of writing a big file.

• Clean code is self-commenting. Use comments only to explain complex functions.

• Review your own code before creating a pull request

• Split your code into multiple smaller functions

• Create multiple files instead of writing a big file

• Be very careful while naming your files

• Always write tests for your code

• De-structuring your props is a good way to help make your coder cleaner and more maintainable.

• Putting imports in an order a. React import b. Library imports (Alphabetical order) c. Absolute imports from the project (Alphabetical order) d. Relative imports (Alphabetical order) e. Import * as f. Import ‘./. Each kind should be separated by an empty line.

• Filename: Use pascal case for filename. Example: ReservationCard.jsx

• Component name: Use pascal case

• Component filename: Use camelCase. Example: commonUtils.js

• Folder name: Use camel Case

• Test files should be named the same as the component or non-component file.

• CSS files should be named the same as the component Pascal Case. Global1 CSS which applies to all components should be placed in global.css and should be named in camelCase. Example: LoginScreen.css (for components), global.css (for global styles)