Work the Elections API


This is the API for the Work the Elections project. The project is sponsored by the Knight Foundation is developed by the Development Seed and FEC (previously FELN).

Local Installation

Dev Dependencies

  • Python 3.6.3
  • Postgres 9.6 with PostGIS support
  • docker

Setup Docker Environment

Build the docker image:

 $ docker-compose build base

Populate the db from a backup

Download the data first:

 $ git clone exports

Prepare the database

 $ docker-compose run --rm migrate

Create Super User

 $ docker-compose run --rm createsuperuser

Run import

 $ docker-compose run --rm import

Serve the API

 $ docker-compose run --rm --service-ports serve

Adding boundaries

Replace the geojson file at apps/jurisdiction/voteworker.geojson, then run:

 $ docker-compose run --rm boundaries

To generate jurisdiction png files run:

 $ docker-compose run --rm rasterize

PNG files are stored at config/static/jurisdictions

Django shell

To access django shell run

 $ docker-compose run --rm shell

Serve Production

WARNING: this is NOT recommended and could damage the production website.

To serve the website with the Heroku environment locally, first download all the environment variables:

 $ heroku config -s -a workelections > config.txt

Then run:

 $ docker-compose run --rm --service-ports prod

Exporting data

 $ docker-compose run --rm export


Run all tests:

 $ docker-compose run --rm base_django_setup python3 test apps

Run tests, reusing test DB. This is significantly faster, but requires that tests clean up after themselves. Django TestCases mostly take care of this.

 $ docker-compose run --rm base_django_setup python3 test apps --keepdb


master branch is deployed to Heroku. To deploy, PR to master. Direct push to master is disabled.

Manual Deployment

We use Heroku Containers for deploying this application to Heroku.

To get started, make sure you are logged in by running heroku container:login.

Build and Push

 $ heroku container:push web


 $ heroku container:release web


 $ heroku run python migrate