
Deprecated. Use https://github.com/developmentseed/document instead

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Rudimentary content system for Express + CouchDB + HBS.

  • Define one or more types of entries.
  • Create, update, delete entries.
  • Relate entries to each other in a hierarchy.

Entry can be used for instance to build a simple about section with a hierarchical document structure.


Add the following line to your ndistro file and rebuild:

module developmentseed entry

Entry assumes the expresslane module to be available that exposes an entryTypes object describing all available entry types on (see usage)

var entry_settings = require('expresslane').app.set('settings')('entry')



1 Define the database name and an entry type

// settings.js
module.exports = {
    entry: {
        database: 'entries',
        types: {
            'example': {
                'name': 'Example',
                'description': 'A simple example entry',
                'fields': [
                        id: 'title',
                        label: 'Title',
                        form: {
                            widget: 'text',
                            required: true
                        render: 'title',
                        id: 'body',
                        label: 'Body',
                        default: '',
                        form: {
                            widget: 'textarea',
                            required: false
                        render: 'markdown'

2 Import design documents into couchdb

curl -X PUT[database]/_design/pages -d design_docs/pages.json

3 Go

  • Create new new/example
  • Edit edit/testpage
  • Delete delete/testpage

