
JSON format for describing SpatioTemporal Cloud Optimized Geotiff mosaic.

MIT LicenseMIT

MosaicJSON is an open standard for representing metadata about a mosaic of Assets (e.g Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF).

Blog Post: https://medium.com/devseed/cog-talk-part-2-mosaics-bbbf474e66df

Source Code: https://github.com/developmentseed/mosaicjson-spec


MosaicJSON can be seen as a Virtual raster (see GDAL's VRT) enabling spatial and temporal processing for a list of Assets.


  • simple JSON format (enabling high ratio compression)
  • quadkey based file index



API Example

def fetch_mosaic_definition(url: Union[str, Path]) -> Dict:
    """Fetch mosaic definition file."""
    return mosaic_definition

def _fetch_and_find_asset(url: str, x: int, y: int, z: int):
    mdef = fetch_mosaic_definition(url)
    return get_assets(mdef, x: int, y: int, z: int)

def get_assets(mosaic_definition: Dict, x: int, y: int, z: int) -> list[str]:
    """Get asset list for a Z/X/Y index and a mosaic definition.

    mosaic_definition : dict
        mosaic definition content.
    x : int
        Mercator tile X index.
    y : int
        Mercator tile Y index.
    z : int
        Mercator tile ZOOM level.

    assets : list
        list of assets intersecting with the tile index.

    min_zoom = mosaic_definition["minzoom"]

    mercator_tile = mercantile.Tile(x=x, y=y, z=z)
    quadkey_zoom = mosaic_definition.get("quadkey_zoom", min_zoom)  # 0.0.2

    # get parent
    if mercator_tile.z > quadkey_zoom:
        depth = mercator_tile.z - quadkey_zoom
        for i in range(depth):
            mercator_tile = mercantile.parent(mercator_tile)
        quadkey = [mercantile.quadkey(*mercator_tile)]

    # get child
    elif mercator_tile.z < quadkey_zoom:
        depth = quadkey_zoom - mercator_tile.z
        mercator_tiles = [mercator_tile]
        for i in range(depth):
            mercator_tiles = sum([mercantile.children(t) for t in mercator_tiles], [])

        mercator_tiles = list(filter(lambda t: t.z == quadkey_zoom, mercator_tiles))
        quadkey = [mercantile.quadkey(*tile) for tile in mercator_tiles]
        quadkey = [mercantile.quadkey(*mercator_tile)]

    assets = list(
            [mosaic_definition["tiles"].get(qk, []) for qk in quadkey]

    # check if we have a mosaic in the url (.json/.gz)
    return list(
                fetch_and_find_assets(asset, x, y, z)
                if os.path.splitext(asset)[1] in [".json", ".gz"]
                else [asset]
                for asset in assets


The text of this specification is licensed under the MIT License. The use of this spec in products and code is entirely free: there are no royalties, restrictions, or requirements.


  • Vincent Sarago
  • Sean Harkins
  • Drew Bollinger