
Example / minimal deploy repository for osm-seed

Minimal Example for an osm-seed deployment repository

The recommended way to install osm-seed is to use the published Helm chart.

While you can use the Helm command line utility to directly install the Chart onto your Kubernetes cluster, we strongly recommend following a pattern to create a repository for your deployment.

Basic Install Instructions:

This assumes you have Helm installed and kubectl configured to talk to your Kubernetes cluster.

Fork this repository. Then, visit https://github.com/developmentseed/osm-seed-chart/tree/gh-pages and find the latest published chart (or the version you wish to install), and replace the version number specified in osmseed/requirements.yaml.

Run helm dependencies update or helm dep up in the osmseed/ folder. This will download the osm-seed chart into a charts/ folder.

Then, if you wish to just test the install on a local minikube setup without any custom values, you can simply run helm install <name> osmseed/ to install.

You will likely want to create custom values to customize your install, specify your cloud provider, etc. You can copy over the default values.yaml from the osm-seed repository: https://github.com/developmentseed/osm-seed and make changes to suit your setup. You can then run:

helm install -f values.yaml <name> osmseed/

Custom Installs

In most real-world setups, you will likely want to modify some containers, or maybe add additional containers not included in osm-seed.

To over-ride or add any Kubernetes templates, create a templates/ folder in osmseed/ and you can over-ride templates specified in the main osm-seed chart, or add your own.

If you need to over-ride the Docker images that come with the upstream osm-seed or add your own images, we recommend using chartpress: create a chartpress.yaml file in the root of this repository, and use the chartpress command to manage builds and versioning, ideally using automated CI. You can follow the same structure as used by osm-seed for the chartpress yaml and CI config.