Example of a trade data JSON object:
"type": "buy",
"user_id": 23,
"symbol": "ABX",
"shares": 30,
"price": 134,
"timestamp": 1531522701000
The task is to implement a model for the trade object and the REST service that exposes the /trades
endpoint, which allows for managing the collection of trade records in the following way:
POST request to /trades
- creates a new trade
- expects a JSON trade object without an id property as a body payload. If the shares value is out of accepted range [1, 100], or the type value is invalid (i.e. not 'buy' or 'sell'), the API must return error code 400. Besides those cases, you can assume that the given payload is always valid.
- adds the given trade object to the collection of trades and assigns a unique integer id to it. The first created trade must have id 1, the second one 2, and so on.
- the response code is 201, and the response body is the created trade object
GET request to /trades
- returns a collection of all trades
- the response code is 200, and the response body is an array of all trades objects ordered by their ids in increasing order
- optionally accepts query parameters type and user_id, for example
. All these parameters are optional. In case they are present, only objects matching the parameters must be returned.
GET request to /trades/<id>
- returns a trade with the given id
- if the matching trade exists, the response code is 200 and the response body is the matching trade object
- if there is no trade with the given id in the collection, the response code is 404 with the body having the text
ID not found
DELETE, PUT, PATCH request to /trades/<id>
- the response code is 405 because the API does not allow deleting or modifying trades for any id value
You are expected to choose the ORM you want to use and initialize the connection of the Database in the file connection.js
. The following ORMs/Databases are available for use out of the box:
- Sequelize with SQLITE
- Mongoose with MongoDB
- Node Version: 14(LTS)
- Default Port: 8000
Read Only Files
- run:
npm start
- install:
npm install
- test:
npm test