Primary LanguageJava


ATM API is the implementation on sample API required for ATM to withdraw, deposit and to view the account balance.


This ATM API is using Postgres as a database. So to run this application it is required to have postgres is installed on machine. Postgres will running on localhost with default port

postgres-URL: localhost:5432
username: postgres
password: postgres

URL endpoints

  1. Get Account Balance
GET: localhost:8080/api/account/balance/{accountNumber}/{PIN}
  1. Withdraw Money from Bank
POST: localhost:8080/api/account/withdraw
  1. Deposit Money in bank account
POST: localhost:8080/api/account/deposit

Note: Both the post methods has to be sent with json body as given below.

	"account_number": "1234567891234",
	"amount": 100

Current Implementation

  • It has three REST endpoints
  • Currently it is with single database
  • Unit TestCases are added only for controller
  • Not capturing any kind of transactional information

Improvements can be done

  • Store pin in hashed form, same as passwords
  • Add Multi-tenancy for database, so that each bank data will be present in separate schema/database.
  • Add Unit test for Service by mocking repository
  • Add Integration test by setting H2 database with scope for Test. Including sample data.