Base Technologies

Technology Version
Node JS 14.x
NPM 6.x
PostgreSQL 12.x
Main Packages
Packages Role
Express Js API Web Server
Sequelize Object Relational Mapper
JWT API Encryption

API Requirements

  • NODE v12+
  • NPM V6+
  • PostgreSQL Installed

Getting started.

  • Clone the repo from Github.
  • Create Postgres Database.
  • Create .env file from .env.example and update the necessary environment variables.
  • Install dependecies with npm install.
  • To run the app for develop run npm run dev.
  • To run the app at production run npm start.
  • Set nginx or apache for all /assets requests to point to the /assets/ directory to serve static files
  • The your app will de deployed on either port 5000 or your desired port number specified in the .env file.